Fineline Fencing Services

Fineline Fencing Services

Fineline Fencing Services are Located in The Oaks which is near Camden and have over 20 years of experience within the fencing industry. They came to us as they needed an online presence.

We created them a 4-page website which allows them to showcase their work and services. We also supplied training to Fineline Fencing so they are able to update and make changes to their website when needed. We created tutorial videos which they can watch over and over again.

The colours we chose for the website were colour-matched from their logo. We also wanted to make the site easy to navigate so when users landed on their website they would be able to navigate around it with ease.

We look forward to working with Fineline Fencing Services and continuing to help grow their online presence.

Device Friendly

When we launch a site we make sure it will look great on all devices. Including desktop computers, iPad tablets and mobile phone. Sometimes this means we add special custom tweaks that only get enabled at certain screen sizes, so the design of your website stays looking great. Certain aspects of your website we may remove on mobile view or visa versa. As part of this process, it’s not about making your site look good on specific screen sizes but instead looking good on all screen sizes. This makes the page dynamically responsive to the screen size it’s being shown on. The page adapts and changes to fit the width and height it has available. This helps make the site friendly for users, but also it helps ranking better on Search Engines like Google, as part of SEO is making sure you are user friendly. Our end goal is that your site is aesthetically pleasing but most of all user friendly!